
  • During school hours, any student with an illness/injury must checkout through the Health Office. If an injured/ill student needs to be seen in the Health Office during class time, the student must notify the teacher to acquire a hall pass before coming to the Health Office.
  • If a student is ill/injured and needs to go home, Health Office staff will contact parent/guardian for pick-up from the Health Office.
  • All students seen in the Health Office are required to sign-in and standard triage practices are used to prioritize student needs.
  • Please include the School Nurse ( and/or Health Clerk ( ) in any health-related correspondence sent to teachers, counselors, or administrators.
  • Personal cell phone use is not allowed in the Health Office with the exception of quick calls to parent/guardian for pick-up from school.


  • If a healthcare provider has treated your student for an injury, please bring a doctor’s note to the Health Office.
  • If a student has a doctor’s note excusing them from participating in school activities (e.g., PE), please bring a copy of the note to the Health Office so that the appropriate teachers and staff can be notified.

Assistive Mobility Devices

  • If your student requires an assistive medical device (e.g., crutches, scooter, walker, etc.), please bring the student to the Health Office immediately upon returning to campus for a safety assessment of the equipment.
  • An elevator key will be provided, as needed, to access upstairs classrooms.
  • Students using an assistive mobility device must wear appropriate footwear. Close-toed shoes are required for safety purposes on the unaffected foot, no flip-flops or slip-on shoes. The affected leg/foot must have protective-type footwear, such as a walking boot, cast, splint, or shoe that will provide protection and stability for the bottom of the foot.
  • Any student using a wheelchair on campus MUST bring a doctor’s note explaining the necessity of the medical device.

Attached forms:

Concussion Fact Sheet



Emergency Cards: All students are required to have an emergency card. Be sure to complete the information online each school year with current contact information so the Health Office can contact parent/guardian in a timely manner, particularly in the event of a health emergency.