All on-campus medications (i.e., over-the-counter, non-prescription, and prescription) MUST be documented in the Health Office. The Parent and Physician Request for Medication form signed by the parent/guardian and filled-out by the student’s healthcare provider is to be on file in the Health Office for any student who requires medication on campus. Medication is kept in a locked cabinet in the Health Office. This form must be updated at the beginning of every school year.
If your student needs to carry emergency medication on campus (asthma inhaler and/or Epi-Pen ONLY), the healthcare provider must document on the Request for Medication form that your student has permission to carry medication on-campus. In addition, a medication contract signed by student, parent/guardian, and school nurse must also be on file in the Health Office. This form must be updated at the beginning every school year.
Attached Medication forms:
Parent & Physician Request for Medication ENGLISH | SPANISH
Medication Contract for carrying emergency medication on campus ENGLISH | SPANISH