Spartan Wellspace
Wellspace Staff | |
TBD Interventions Counselor |
Email TBD |
Mrs. Pearson School Psychologist | |
Mrs. Willis Wellspace Staff Clerk | |
Ms. Garcia Counseling Intern | |
Purpose/Vision of the Spartan Wellspace
The Spartan Wellspace is a physical room on campus where all Spartans can come to access mental health services while at school. In the Welllspace, students will be able to talk with a counselor, practice mindfulness, or take time for self-care. Furthermore, the Wellspace will allow for students to have their Social-Emotional needs met while also connecting them to resources so that their mental health is not a barrier to their access to their education. The purpose of the Wellspace is to give students autonomy and encourage them to access mental health services.